Tuesday 28 April 2015


So back to the work update.. I created a tornado shot for my last part of the scene.

I would like to thank Yang Zhiye and Timucin Ozger for helping me in creating the tornado for my shot.

Yang Zhiye tornado work.

Vimeo Link : https://vimeo.com/107730922

Timucin Ozger tornado work.


I tried my tornado by creating them in Maya fluids. The test render of my tornado

This tornado doesn't look good. So I made a research in the internet and came across Yang Zhiye and Timucin Ozger works. BY contacting them in person they gave me some ideas on how to prepare the tornado for my shot. Timuicn Ozger had his work file uploaded in his vimeo page. By using that tornado as a reference and getting some more advice from Yang Zhiye, finally I created the tornoado for my shot.

Tornado at 200 resolution.

After tracking my shot in 3D Equalizer and Boujou I got my final tracked footage and placed the tornado in the scene. The tornado resolution was increased to 300.

After getting confirmation from my project supervisor, I will be proceeding to the final render of this scene.

Tuesday 14 April 2015


I started my project by creating the entire CGI shot i.e, the outer space where the meteors hit the earth. The entire outer space was created within Nuke and I would like to share with you the Earth image. The Earth texture was obtained from the NASA website and then the texture was projected in the geo which was exported from Maya. This is not a final image still got lots of works to be done.

Saturday 11 April 2015


I have made my story board for the updated and finalized pitch (hope so ;) ). Have a look at the story board and share your thoughts.

To have a close look at the story board please zoom in in to the webpage to 250% (as per the chrome browser view). 


I have made some changes in my project pitch. I hope this might be the last update for the pitch. So here we go.

SHOT 1:   The eyes of a person are trying to close and the camera view will be from the person POV.

SHOT 2:   Wordings, "What will you dream when you close your eyes?".

SHOT 3:   The fore coming scenes will be of stock footage's of nature, family, people and other videos.

SHOT 4:   Wordings, "What do you do when your dream gets disturbed?".

SHOT 5:   Meteors are approaching the Earth. The scene will be completely made in CGI.

SHOT 6:   Some peoples in the park watch the meteors travelling across the sky.

SHOT 7:   And finally the meteor hits the city and a huge blast occurs. (Video reference destruction scene from the Alien Outpost trailer)

SHOT 8:   Showing various footage's of places were the buildings are damaged and destroyed after the huge blast has taken after the meteor strike.

SHOT 9:   Wordings, "Will you survive alone in your dream?".

SHOT 10:  A person is shown near a bridge were the road is empty with collided cars and cracks in the road.

SHOT 11:  On the other part of the city a robot ship starts its engine and takes off.

SHOT 12:  In the satellite view the ship searches for the remaining human left in the city to destroy.

SHOT 13:  The person tries to hide from one place to another.

SHOT 14:  When he tries to hide behind a car the place makes a jerk and a huge thing has landed behind him.

SHOT 15:  The robot stands behind the car and prepares its weapons.

SHOT 16:  The robot searches for the human on the place were it got landed. (The camera view will be from the robot eye. Reference taken from the Chappie movie)

SHOT 17:  Finally the person makes his way out of the hiding place and he faces the robot.

SHOT 18:  The person faces the robot and the robot prepares for the battle to destroy the human. They both are facing each other.

SHOT 19:  The person who closed his eyes in the beginning opens his eyes with fear.

That will be the end of the shots and the title of the teaser is shown.  "BAD DREAM"  

Wednesday 8 April 2015

PROJECT PITCH (video previs)

I have collected some video footage to make a previs kind of replication to my shots. There are many movie videos have been included in the previs. I do not own the copy wrights of any videos.

The list of videos used in the video previs are described below.

*   World War Z(2013) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816711/?ref_=nv_sr_1

*  Aftermath Short film - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su2ZeD7GZhY

* Godzilla(2014) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0831387/?ref_=nv_sr_1

* I am Legend(2007) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480249/?ref_=nv_sr_1

* Time lapse videos - https://www.youtube.com/user/thethrashlab/featured

The below video shows the previs of the project pitch.


I made my initial pitch for the project. The pitch is about creating a short teaser of a sci-fi short film. The length of the teaser is expected to be about 1.30 mins.

                                                         THE SURVIVOR


The trailer starts with news channel showing some news related to weird things happening in the earth.


The next scene shows the galaxy with text "Year 2020".


The news report continues in the next scene with different news.


In the galaxy, showing the outer space with earth on the foreground and with wording "on a lonely world".


The news report continues showing a  meteor striking flying across the sky. (Like the meteor strike happened in Germany)


The earth is shown in a closer view with letters "A last human survives in the Earth".


The video footage showing meteor hitting the ground with a large explosion.


The next shot shows various parts of the world where the streets are empty with no peoples and with a matte painted sky.


On the sea shore some alien ship blasts some energy from the ship which hits hard and hitting the sea.

SHOT 10:

On an empty road showing the grasses grown and the vehicles are damaged.

SHOT 11:

The lone survivor walks in the scene with the damaged buildings and matte painted sky in the background.

SHOT 12:

The title is shown at the end.

SHOT 13:

But after the title is shown, on the outer space an alien mother ship hides the entire earth.

The pitch was inspired from different apocalyptic movies like "The Road", "I am legend", "The book of eli". There might be further changes in the scene in the future.

Monday 6 April 2015


I am Palanikumar Gopal currently pursuing my Masters degree in Computer Animation and Visual Effects at Teesside University. This blog is about my final year project done for the course. Christopher Wyatt is my project supervisor. I am interested in compositing and my project will be around the compositing part. My project is about creating a short teaser trailer for about 1:30 mins long and the genre will be Sci-fi.